Sunday 4 January 2015

Waikanae to Wellington

After Waikanae we walked down the beach to Paekakariki  about 21 km still feeling tired.  Was a beautiful day and coastline looking out to Kapiti Island was spectacular. We stayed at Paekakariki Campground.  The pohutakawa trees were all in flower and for the first time we felt like Xmas was coming.
The next day we walked from  Paekakariki to Porirua along the coast right next to State Highway 1. A lot of traffic but lovely coastline. We stayed at Elsdon Camp at the base of Colonial Knob which was our next walk. 
The next day we had a badly needed day off and went to the mall in Porirua and did some badly needed shopping and badly needed hairdresser visits. We met up our friends Shelly and Greg who now live in Wellington and went to their house for dinner and back to Elsdon Camp for the night. Elsdon Camp is an old army barrocks which has been converted to a campground.
December 19 we walked Colonial Knob Walkway and Mt Kaukau to Ngaio.  This walk with spectacular views of Wellington and coastline to South Island -yeah right! Of course fog rain and SEVERE wind.  So bad we kept having to stop as we felt like we were going to be blown off the hill and fog so bad we could only see a few metres in front of ourselves. Wayne felt so disoriented that he felt like he had had a blind fold on and spun around.
We stayed at Waterloo Backpackers in Wellington for two nights. Was very strange being amongst city noises again. Took us a while to get to sleep.
Saturday 20th December saw us walking from Wellington to South Coast. We started by catching the Cable Car up to the gardens and back onto the TA Trail.  We managed to misplace ourselves a few times but achieved the final leg of the North Island.
We spent the next few nights before Xmas at Shelly and Gregs. Wayne helped Greg with some jobs and I did final Xmas shopping. Our son Sean joined us for a couple of days and we had a great time visiting Te Papa.
Christmas Eve we met up with Pam and Rex again and our other son Sam joined us.
We had 2 nights luxury at CityLife Hotel in Wellington with our boys for Xmas.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well Hi Di and Wayne...FINALLY I've caught up on your blogs, AMAZING reading your journey. You are looking so fit and well and healthy. Your must have tough old feet by now!!

    We canoed the Whanganui River just before Christmas so we shared a bit of land eg the Bridge to nowhere. We saw the track you did and are keen to do that at some stage.

    Still wondering if by chance we will be in the same vicinity early February. We plan to do a walk or cycle from arrowtown starting Saturday 7th. Guess it's hard to know if you will be there but would be FANTASTIC to catch up!!

    Life at work is the same. Had a tricky resusc this morning but baby ok, a primp of Kirstins. Lynn will be off doing badgernet training around the units for 3-4 months so I have taken on the challenge covering for her.....the office is already spotless!!! I start next week haha. Another jump into the deep end as I frantically learn her job!!

    Well keep on trucking you too. We are all in awe of your journey. Be safe as you navigate the tricky Nelson Region and so glad you have tempered your days to look after yourselves. Looks like a blast but bet there's some really really challenging moments!!!! Well done - your marriage will be cemented by this haha.

    Loads of love and good wishes, maybe just maybe we will see you around Queenstown in February - Wendy
